Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Challenge of the Week: Evangelizing

Hey Garage People!

Although this may be that last week of the Philippians bible study, it's not the last week to continually challenge yourselves in becoming a faithful disciple of Christ. Someone once told me that, "you never graduate from Jesus school". He has an infinite amount to teach, rebuke, correct and train.

This weeks challenge is Evangelizing. To many, this is very intimidating and is often something we tend to push to the side. With the mentality of, "oh well, I have my faith and that's good enough for me", we miss the point of a community of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's dive deeper and share His love with other around us. It doesn't need to be a crazy intellectual conversation but more so a testimony of who Christ is and what He has done in your life, whether it be the past 7 weeks, 7 months, or 7 years.

Take time and pray.

-Think of a group of people, a single person, or family member that the Lord has possibly put on your heart to talk to.

-Ask them if they know the Lord; If not, share Christ and what he has done for all.

Remember what you've learned in the Philippians bible study!

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